Author: Lee_AIP99

Day 2 – We move upstairs

With the main kitchen scene complete we moved to the bedroom and living room on Day 2 where Sebastian proved a one take wonder as the young mudlark on Christmas Day while Holly and William played their roles perfectly despite the eerie “knock on the door”.

Day 1 – And so it begins

Off to a great start allowing us to set the scene. Difficult times for all productions but cast and crew kept safety in mind.


Finding props is something that Max really enjoys so he was in his element searching various places for the right period props. He has found a vast array to be used in the filming from local curistory shops to car boots and online. Bryan Hennasy who owns Knick Knacks in Whitecroft also turned out to be a little gold mine.

More Location Hunting

When Max and Lynn started to write the screenplay locations were very much in mind to ensure the story came to life in the period it was set.

Looking for the countryside and river locations took Max on a journey through the Wye Valley to Carmarthenshire, the Severn Estuary and Forest of Dean; to name a few. All had a history of salmon fishing and coracle making to bring those elements of the story to life.

Whilst the internal scenes of Hopkins cottage will be shot at the Dean Heritage Centre the wider external view of the cottage also needed to fall in to the period, where in Brockwier on the Welsh border, a little gem of a location was found under the protective arm of the Gwent Wildlife Trust.

More locations are still needed as the journey continues..